We Maintain Websites!

Yes! We are happy to update and maintain your website. We maintain and update sites that we created. We maintain and update sites that other designers created.

We Update Websites

Marin Estate Planning Attorneys at the Law Offices of Julia Wald

Ozdachs updated a site for a Marin Estate Planning Attorney to add search engine optimization and marketing techniques to an already published, excellent looking design.

While some web developers want only to create new sites and looks, Ozdachs also enjoys doing the small changes that make a well designed site an excellent tool for your business and its customers.

Websites need maintenance. They need periodic updating.

Maintenance includes changes to:

Updating a website includes changing the looks and style of all of the pages.

Website standards evolve and an excellent web presence starts looking as dated as a 1970's polyester suit. Your perfectly wonderful web site suddenly makes you look like an old fogy.

Updating your webiste to the current fashion is smart business.

Maintenance Tasks

Ozdachs provides maintenance services for many businesses. Here is a sample of the maintenance and updates Ozdachs does for its clients:

  • Regular changes to a CPA's home page to include the headlines from the firm's electronic newsletter
  • Weekly refreshing of a regional theatre company's homepage to update donor and production information
  • Changes to the property availability calendar for several vacation rental clients
  • Addition of multiple image galleries to an established site for a professional sculptor

Maintenance and Updates: Do It Yourself, or We'll Do it For You

Ozdachs will work with you to maintain and update your website, or we will help you do it yourself.

We maintain sites for our clients by providing hourly consulting Theatre Rhino - a regional theater to which Ozdachs provides maintenance serviceservices and by monthly retainer. But, you don't have to rely on Ozdachs or any web designer!

Our new sites are created with the industry-standard Dreamweaver authoring tool. Dreamweaver supports a user-friendly updating tool, Contribute. Contribute allows non-technical site owners to do their own changes to text, photographs, and graphics.

We are happy to empower site owners to make changes themselves or we will do the maintennace work for them so that they can focus on their core business.